Cats are beautiful creatures that have a lot to offer their human companions. Cats are thought to have been first domesticated by humans around 5,000 years ago and were used by farmers to help protect their crops from mice and other rodents. They are still the most beloved pets today, usually not because of their hunting abilities, but for a variety of other reasons, which we will explore below.
Cats live well in small houses and apartments!
Cats, which are probably the most introverted of all pets, are very suitable for living in small houses and apartments.
Cats are easy to care for!
Unlike dogs, cats don’t need walks (although some cat owners walk their cats on a leash) They are poorly groomed – regular toilet cleanings, meals twice a day, and a weekly grooming for short-haired cats.
They contribute to our health!
Studies show that pet owners have less levels of stress, depression and low blood pressure. Cat owners have been shown to have an improved immune function and may help reduce the likelihood of allergies and asthma in children.
They’re so cute!
Who can resist the beauty and perfection of a cat at home?
Our feline friends are fun!
Place an empty box or a large paper bag (never use plastic bags), toys on the floor and enjoy the show. Cats are extremely fun to watch while they play.
They offer friendship and unconditional love!
After the end of a long-term relationship, I adopted a kitten. He was always there to greet me when I came back from work, happily snuggling up on the couch to watch a TV show with me and jumping on the bed and sleeping next to me, listening to me when I needed to speak. He was my faithful friend for many years.
Cats are fearless!
The great thing about cats is that they rarely smell.
Many cats, some breeds of cats, such as the Siamese, are known for their love of talking, but most cats are relatively quiet.